• The 2022-2023 proposed budget for Guilderland Public Library passed by 66%.  THANK YOU for your support!
  • Interim Trustee Elish Melchiade won a five-year term on the Board as a candidate on the ballot.
  • Ted Gup (5-year term); Jo Ann Mulligan (1-year term); and Corie Dugas (1-year term) received the most votes as write-in candidates, in this order.

The four newly-elected trustees will begin their terms in July.

Once again, thank you – we sincerely appreciate the wonderful community we serve!


The annual budget and board candidate vote for Guilderland Public Library is scheduled for Tuesday, May 17, 2022.  Voting will occur at the five Guilderland elementary schools, in conjunction with the school budget vote.  Polls are open from 7 am until 9 pm.  Click here for general information on voter eligibility and polling places.



The 2022-2023 Proposed Budget for Guilderland Public Library is $4,164,265, a slight increase from the 2021-2022 approved budget of $4,055,000.

Here is further explanation on rationale in formulating the budget, from Library Director Tim Wiles (pictured at right):

I would like to provide some information about the budget, which will be voted on Tuesday, May 17th.  First and foremost, the proposed budget increase meets the tax cap law and does not exceed the legal growth limit.  There are a few substantive changes to bring to your attention regarding the budget:
  •  $80,500 reduction in billings from the New York State Employee Retirement System.  This cost is difficult to forecast from year to year, but this year, it shapes up well. The figure is a complex calculation involving how well the system’s investments are projected to perform, combined with actuarial estimates about how many retirees will be receiving payments both statewide and from our own staff.
  • Utilities are expected to decrease by about 20 percent, based on upgraded equipment and technology installed during the renovation.  However, to be cautious about that expected saving, we only reduced the line by 10 percent.
  • $2,000 added to acquire a new copy machine for the public.  In addition, we reduced the cost of photocopies to the public by 50%.  Our charges were higher than any other library in the area, and we wanted to return that money to our users’ pocketbooks by lowering the price.  Our expectation is that more copies will be made, thus making up any resulting income gap.  Copies are currently free while we research the most updated ways to give patrons multiple options for payment methods.
  • Increase in insurance, based on three factors.  First, we are now insuring 20% more building space than before.  Second, insurance is based on the replacement cost of the facility in the event of a disaster, and our replacement cost per square foot had not been updated for some time.  Finally, at the recommendation of our insurance broker, The Ten Eyck Group based here in Guilderland, we are now insuring both the building and its contents.  The old arrangement was for the School District to insure the building, and for the library to insure its contents.  Our broker wisely pointed out that in the event of a claim, there would likely be difficulty sorting out which insurer would pay for which portions of the loss.
  • Drastic reduction in building and equipment maintenance line, since almost every element of our building systems was replaced during the renovation.  We are also not budgeting for construction professional services, as 99% of that work has been completed.  We’re just dealing with punch list items now, plus a few long waits for items that have been ordered but not yet received, due to supply chain issues.
Come out and vote on Tuesday May 17th, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.  Your polling place is whichever of the five Guilderland elementary school catchments you live in.  Thank you for your support if you are so inclined, and thanks to all who exercise their precious right to vote!
Tim Wiles
Library Director



Elish Melchiade

Current interim trustee Elish Melchiade is seeking a full term on the ballot.  Ms. Melchiade serves as a salesforce project manager with an international medical device company.  She also has ten years of experience in human resources and holds a Professional of Human Resources (PHR) designation.

Ms. Melchiade’s Statement:

I think my diverse work and volunteer background would be a great asset to the board.  I have always been an “out of the box” thinker and most times able to add valuable insight to situations based on my extensive travel situations, work in various areas such as HR, marketing and project management, and my involvement in many areas of the community.  My current focus lately has been on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work, and I have started a DEI committee at Bethlehem Children’s School.

I have currently been serving on the board, taking over a vacated position, and I hope to continue on and help shape the future of a major community landmark.  I love being able to participate in discussions and create a beautiful and safe space for all community members.

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Here are related Altamont Enterprise articles published May 5, 2022.










Updated 5.5.2022